What happens when you increase youth chemicals in your brain?

Thousands of men are increasing the youth chemicals in their brains...looking to boost IQ, increase attraction from women...be the life of the party.

Hi, I'm Dr. Ari Magill, MD, and as a board-certified physician, I do research into men's brains...

...and I also work with patients, helping them increase their mental and physical prowess.

Every day men ask me, "Dr. Magill, what can I do to become sexier, make my wife or girlfriend more attracted to me, and make more money?"

It may sound crazy, but my advice...

...is raise your brain's youth hormones...

Just listen to men who are experiencing the sexual, physical, and financial benefits that come with increasing your brain's youth chemicals...

59-year-old Ken S. says: "My wife and I both use a brain pill. We sometimes find ourselves searching for a word...

...and while this can be an expected part of aging, we find this reduces the frequency of those moments, and makes us feel more focused."

Or listen to "M." who says: "I just switched to a job that is second shift (2PM-11PM) and it was very difficult to adjust to those hours AND learn all the new technical systems...

But after taking a brain pill, I noticed a HUGE difference in a few days! I was awake and alert like it was 11am everyday. I'm now telling all my coworkers about it."

And R. says: "My girlfriend has noticed a change in my memory retention -- I actually remembered our anniversary this year, woo!"

While single guy Stanley says: "I can actually finish tasks. I can have an entire conversation [with a beautiful woman] and not zone-out."

For each and every one of these men, taking a brain pill has made all the difference...

Increasing their brain's youth chemicals is their secret weapon... it gives them an edge other men just don't have.

I call these men YoungBrains -- and it seems they are always beating out younger men, getting the girl, and realizing greater financial success than they ever thought possible.

Their "secret" is a brain pill. And it makes sense why it works.

Because even though it sounds weird, the secret to being a smart, attractive, successful man is actually in your head, not your body.

What I mean is, it doesn't matter what you look like or how old you are when you're taking a brain pill...

Because if your brain is young, everything else about you is younger too.

Just look at John, a friend of mine who went on a date recently with a much younger woman...

John, an average looking guy in his late 50's, goes on a date with a much younger woman and does the gentlemanly thing...

He picks this girl up to take her to dinner.

So far, so good.

But then in the car, John starts fumbling around with a large paper map, trying to find his way to the restaurant.

He can't seem to make out the little words, they're so tiny. He has to switch eyeglasses.

And this young woman is watching him the entire time, and what is she thinking?

We asked the young woman later about the date.

"He reminded me of my dad," she said. "Dad wears thick glasses and always fumbles around."

...not very sexy.

And needless to say, the rest of the date did NOT go well for John...

Now pause for a moment, and look at my other friend, Scott...

Scott, an average looking guy in his early 60's, goes on a date with a much younger woman...

He picks her up and takes her to an art gallery.

The owner approaches Scott and chats with him and Scott is knowledgeable and impresses the girl with his expertise on art.

Then Scott takes the girl to a hole-in-the-wall restaurant and recommends a certain beer that the girl orders and really likes.

Scott's phone rings, and he puts it on speaker, and it's a prominent person asking Scott for advice.

She feels so impressed with Scott.

And as she becomes more impressed, she feels desire for him. She wants to have him.

She wants him to take her home.

So what's the difference between John and Scott?

The one difference is that Scott is taking a brain pill and John is not.

Men like Scott who are taking a brain pill -- YoungBrains -- are always going to be better with women, better at their jobs, and more attractive and successful.

Women are flat out attracted to older men who are mentally alert, mentally astute, and sharp.

And women are flat out NOT attracted to men who are slow and seem old...

Truthfully, living without a brain pill is like doing long division using a pencil and paper.

You can do it -- but why would you?

Using a brain pill is like using a calculator or a computer -- there is no way to live modern life without it, once you've experienced the joys and benefits.

And brain pills are the modern way of staying young and sexy, and outperforming other men.

If you're NOT using a brain pill, you're basically tying your hands behind your back and putting yourself at a major disadvantage.

In fact, NOT using a brain pill sets you up for all kinds of failures that YoungBrains never experience....

Here are 10 times you should have used a brain pill... and I think every man can relate to at least one of these...

#1: When you got laid off from your job and replaced by a computer.

One of the worst things that can ever happen to a man...

You lose your job.

And not only do you lose your job, you lose it to a robot.

Unfortunately, this the modern job market, and if you want to keep up, you need to be the best at what you do.

And that's where a brain pill comes in handy...

If you had been using a brain pill, I can tell you right now that you would never have been laid off.

Your company would have fought tooth and nail to keep you, even if they were losing money doing it.

Because men who are using a brain pill are always at the top of their game professionally.

They are experts in their fields. They are innovators, self-starters, and confident team leaders.

And even older men who are rejoining the workforce -- when they use a brain pill, they blow the interviewer away...

And they beat out tons of other men for the job, even guys who are 20 or 30 years younger than them.

Should have used a brain pill...

#2: When you're feeling old and slow on a date with a beautiful young woman.

You're on a date with a gorgeous girl, but your confidence is totally shot...

You are second-guessing everything you say and do with her.

Does she like you? Did she fake that laugh?

Are you embarrassing yourself? Do you look as old as you feel right now?

You get through the date, but you have no idea how...

Because right now, you feel like the oldest, slowest guy in the world who has no business dating beautiful young women...

And guess what?

You completely missed all of the signals she was giving out.

It turns out, she WAS interested in you... but you had no idea because you didn't know what to look for...

This never happens to YoungBrains.

Men taking a brain pill pick up on ALL the signals men give women, even the super subtle ones...

They notice the little things, because their brains are working so much faster.

And they know exactly how to seize the moment when a girl is giving them the "take me home" signal.

Should have used a brain pill...

#3: When you wanted to learn a new skill or take up a new hobby but didn't, because it just seemed too hard for someone your age.

Many men look forward to retirement their entire working lives, telling friends and family about all the stuff they're going to do when they don't have to work.

Things like golfing, joining a chess club, traveling to spain, learning a new language.

But then you retire, you get a party, and then you're on your own...

And like most guys, you don't do any of the things you said you were going to do.


Because things you used to LOVE doing seem more difficult now...

It's overwhelming to learn something new, with technology you're not 100% comfortable with.

You are probably feeling like you can't focus or retain new information anymore, so you just play it safe...

You watch TV and drink beer and try to get your wife or girlfriend to make love to you, but she's not interested...

Because you have nothing going on "up there."

You're not stimulating her mind and that's a big one with women.

This is why a brain pill is so very useful...

A brain pill allows men to really focus, so they can learn faster and retain the information better.

Men taking a brain pill are easily learning new languages, teaching themselves how to play piano, rebuilding car engines, and winning trivia night at the local pub.

They're great conversationalists.

And they have many hobbies and passions, which women are very attracted to.

They're INTERESTING and fun to be around.

And women flock to them like moths to a flame.

Should have used a brain pill...

#4: When you couldn't remember what was said in yesterday's meeting and made a fool of yourself in front of your boss and younger coworkers.

You were there, and you were paying attention.

You even took notes, but somehow what you wrote down is so very much different than what was said...

Everyone is staring at you, and the young guy who is always trying to one-up you has a big fat smirk on his face.

And what must your boss be thinking... that maybe you're getting too old for the job?

You're mortified and have to let the young smirky guy correct you in front of everyone.

And you vow to never let it happen again. But how can you stop it?

Well, a brain pill helps a lot of guys concentrate.

When men feel like they're in a fog and start struggling at work, it's usually because their brains aren't getting enough key chemicals.

So brain pills that help keep key brain chemicals high can give men a huge mental edge.

Then they're the ones who are killing it in work meetings and impressing the boss.

And all the younger guys are starting to have a lot of respect for them, these men who seem to be smarter, quicker, and more logical.

These YoungBrains.

Should have used a brain pill...

#5: When you went to a bar with a much younger crowd and left, because you thought you had no chance...

You hear one of your local bars is hosting an event, and it seems interesting.

You think it might be fun and that you might even meet someone.

So you put on your favorite shirt and go.

But when you get there, you realize it's all young people.

Guys and girls in their 20s and 30s. Definitely not your generation.

And instead of just rolling with it and seeing what might happen, you chicken out.

You leave, without even finishing your drink.


Because you think you have no chance with any girl in there...

You're feeling inadequate. Feeling your age...

And you just know that you'll stick out like a sore thumb being the oldest guy at the party.

So you go home, pull up your favorite porno, and jack off.

And that's your Saturday night. And you're not even 60 yet.

Is this what you want every Saturday night to be like?

Should have used a brain pill...

#6: When you couldn't keep up with the conversation and had to just sit there quietly, feeling embarrassed.

You're at a party, talking to some friends and some cute younger girls you just met...

And these girls have tons of energy -- it's like they're talking a million miles per hour.

And you're listening intently, you're trying to keep up with what they're saying...

But it's all starting to sound like a foreign language now.

YOLO? FOMO? What the heck is that.

And to your surprise (and aggravation), your friends are killing it.

They seem to know exactly what these girls mean, and they're having no trouble keeping up with the conversation.

Everything they say seems witty and smart, and the girls are loving it.

How are they doing this? From where you're standing, it's like they're talking about nuclear physics.

You have nothing to add, nothing to say. You just want this to be over.

So you fade into the background... none of them even remember you're standing there.

And this feeling? It's awful. You never want to feel like this again.

Should have used a brain pill...

#7: When you forgot it was your 25th wedding anniversary and had to sleep alone on the couch for a week.

Yikes... we've all been there.

All of us have forgotten someone's birthday or missed an anniversary at least once.

But this is happening to you a lot more often now...

Even when you write these important dates down, you still can't seem to get them to stick in your brain.

What is wrong with you? Why can't you remember?

And her face... oh God, her face when you walked in that night, completely unaware it was your anniversary...

She was so crushed. But her hurt quickly went to anger.

And next thing, she's screaming at you, saying you don't really love her.

You feel awful. But there's nothing you can say or do to make it up to her.

Into the dog house you go... RIP.

Definitely should have used a brain pill...

#8: When you watched a friend or family member wither away from dementia and thought, "What if that's me in a few years?"

You can't believe what you're seeing...

Your friend of 25 years, not even 70 yet, sitting in a nursing home with a glazed look on his face.

Does he even know you're here?

His eyes have a vacant look about them. He's staring somewhere over your shoulder.

A nurse comes in and starts talking to your friend in a loud, cheery, sing-song voice.

But your buddy doesn't even seem like he hears her.

She bustles around, fixing his bedsheets, combing his hair, putting pills on his tray...

"Time for your candy, John," she says to him.

And finally John is present with us. He looks right into the nurses face.

"Candy?" he says. "Candy!" And he holds out is hand.

He's like a child now. You smile at him, but inside you're so scared.

Are you next? Will you soon forget all of your friends and family?

Will you wither away in a nursing home just like John, confused and demented?

You wonder who will take care of your wife...

How you'll be such a burden on your children...

If only there was some way to avoid this fate...

Should have used a brain pill...

#9: When you missed an important deadline at work because you just couldn't focus, even after 3 cups of coffee.

Now your boss is really pissed at you. This is the last thing you need right now...

You've been trying to get more sleep, you've been drinking more coffee...

But nothing seems to lift the fog that you're in. And the coffee just makes you jittery.

You just can't concentrate like you used to. Your productivity is going downhill fast.

It takes you so much longer to write a simple sentence and string your thoughts together.

You keep getting distracted by emails and then it's that much harder to dive back into what you were working on.

And deadlines seem to creep up on you without warning.

Now you're stuck working late, and if you don't finish this tonight, you're in big trouble.

If you're not careful, the stress is going to make you sick.

Should have used a brain pill...

#10: When you showed up for your doctor's appointment on the wrong day and had to be corrected in front of a waiting room full of people.

You have your annual cardiology exam today.

So you're at the window, talking to the young receptionist and signing your name on the clipboard...

And then you take a seat in the waiting room, but within seconds, the receptionist is calling you back up to the window again.

You're thinking she needs a copy of your cards, so you go to pull them out of your wallet.

But she stops you and says -- in a voice that is loud enough for the rest of the room to hear -- "Sir, you don't have an appointment today."

What? That's crazy. You know you wrote it on the calendar.

You tell her there must be some kind of mistake, that you're sure your appointment is today.

But she tells you that you're a week early. You've come on the wrong day.

And then she gives you a kind smile and says, "It's okay, it happens all the time."

Does it? You glance around the waiting room and see a bunch of people staring back at you.

None of them seem to have come on the wrong day...

And then a very, very old woman sitting near the window says, "I did the same thing yesterday. Don't you worry."

But this only makes you feel worse.

You're not that old. You're not supposed to be going senile and forgetting your own appointments yet.

And now you have to do the walk of shame in front of everyone.

And they all think of you as the old guy who needs help remembering his appointments.

They pity you.

And this is a feeling you never want to ever feel again.

Should have used a brain pill...

Now do you believe me that using a brain pill is the most important thing a man can do to have more success in love and life?

Hi, again my name is Dr. Ari Magill, board-certified neurologist, and I'm passionate about helping more men become YoungBrains.

Every Friday, I help treat veterans with brain injuries.

And on Mondays, I conduct research with Alzheimer's patients.

Even with my busy hospital schedule, I'm constantly studying the human brain and looking for ways to keep it young and healthy forever.

And I do it because of a very personal reason...

When I was a boy, my grandmother gradually lost her mind and descended into complete Alzheimer's...

I didn't know where she was...but when we visited, she didn't recognize me.

She didn't even recognize my father... my father who was her son.

My father is a famous cardiologist. And after each visit I remember asking my doctor dad:

"Dad, why do they have to lock Grandma in? Did she do something wrong? Is Grandma in jail?"

And he would answer:

"No, son, Grandma was — is — a fine person. It's Alzheimer's. It's terrible. It's unfair. It's so wrong. But that's how it is with Grandma."

And I was so upset after each visit that I couldn't eat for several days.

I resolved right then and there to dedicate my life to figuring out how to keep the mind and memory alive.

To help people, so they don't become like Grandma.

And that's why after decades of devoting myself to this cause, I've finally developed a breakthrough...

A brain pill that will not only protect your mind and memory from Alzheimer's, but make you a healthier, happier, sexier man.

A brain pill that will make you a true YoungBrain.

Now you may be wondering why I had to create my own brain pill...

Why couldn't I just use one of the many brain pills that already exist?

Well, in my research, I found that our minds and memories start to slow down as soon as we turn 50, sometimes even earlier...

And the reason this happens is because we start running low on key brain chemicals...

A young brain produces tons of these key brain chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine, and many you haven't heard of.

And these brain chemicals are responsible for memory, mood, and cognitive function.

And they're the difference between being a true YoungBrain and everybody else.

And since I couldn't find one brain pill out there that helps keep these key brain chemicals high...

I did the next logical thing -- I developed my very own brain pill called Urgent Brain Assist.

I designed it specifically to help keep key brain chemicals high.

And you can be sure that my Urgent Brain Assist is different from any other brain pill on the market...

Because nearly all of the other brain pills contain dangerous and harmful ingredients that I'd never, ever use.

And that's why my brain pill is better than all the rest.

For instance, there's no resveratrol in Urgent Brain Assist because it's actually an estrogen compound.

Resveratrol is even more potent than soy and should be avoided by all men.

In one experiment, resveratrol increased the growth of human breast cancer.

It can also be assumed that it will also increase the growth of prostate cancer cells too.

As the authors of this important study conclude, resveratrol's "estrogenic properties may produce undesirable side effects and limit the circumstances under which it can be used safely."

No way do I want to take something in my body that is estrogenic!

There's also no caffeine in Urgent Brain Assist...

Now I've got nothing against caffeine. I like my coffee just as much as the next guy.

But a lot of folks are sensitive to caffeine, so I didn't want to include any.

I wanted as many men as possible to be able to enjoy these incredible benefits.

So you won't find any caffeine in Urgent Brain Assist.

You also won't find any phosphatidylserine in this brain pill.

Why? Because although serine is mighty useful for the brain and memory...

...the bad part is they make phosphatidylserine from soy...

And that process means that phosphatidylserine contains some bad apples in it -- polyunsaturated fatty acids that I try really hard to avoid.

So I use a uniquely useful form of serine instead -- and you will enjoy the benefits when you feel more confident in your memory...

...and you are feeling smarter and more able and just plain young!

This serine is real expensive -- but I think it's worth it, so I put a generous helping into Urgent Brain Assist.

And lastly, I put absolutely zero harmful powders in Urgent Brain Assist -- read the labels of other brain pills and prepare to get hopping mad...

My Urgent Brain Assist doesn't contain poisons that most supplements do have in them.

Virtually all other supplements have what are called excipients.

What are excipients?

Extra powders and chemicals that the manufacturer puts in -- to make the supplement powder look whiter, cleaner, and make it flow freely on the machinery at the factory.

But studies are showing more and more that these excipients that are in virtually ALL other supplements are super dangerous.

Look on the label of other supplements...

Do you see titanium dioxide? Do you see silicon dioxide? Microcrystalline cellulose?

The trouble with ALL these powders is that the particles are so small.

Small particles go right through the gut wall and enter the rest of your body. This is called persorption.

In the 1960s, a famous scientist named Dr. Volkheimer gave rats or mice various powders in their food.

The powders were later found in the rats bloodstream, in the nerve and brain tissue, basically everywhere in the rat's body.

So whatever fine powders are given to a person, they find their way into every nook and cranny of the human body.

These bad powders, these excipients, have no trouble entering our body through the gut wall.

They even enter the lymph nodes, and from there, are found everywhere in our bodies.

They are very bad for us, especially titanium dioxide powder and silicon dioxide powder.

Exactly the powders used (among others) in most other supplements (but not mine).

And recently, the FDA issued a warning about sunscreens that contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide powder.

These powders enter the skin, enter the body, and can increase chances of cancer.

But people have been using these bad sunscreens for many years.

The FDA is very slow to act on the dangers of these powders that are routinely put into most supplements (but not mine).

I proudly assure you that I have taken every precaution to avoid putting any of these powders into Urgent Brain Assist.

Unlike other products, mine has no titanium dioxide, no silicon dioxide, and no rice bran powder.

I use a proven and safe form of vitamin C, called ascorbyl palmitate, and that's the only "extra" thing I put in to make it pour right in our manufacturing facility.

Quite frankly, my competitors should be ashamed of themselves.

And you should make sure you strongly consider my brain pill because I am taking every precaution on your behalf -- and I use this myself!

My Urgent Brain Assist is a unique combination of 16 rare and potent ingredients that can help keep key brain chemicals high and make you a true YoungBrain.

There's Chinese Club Moss extract...

Throughout history, the Chinese have been using club moss extract to clear the mind.

They call it Qian Ceng Ta. It's a staple in traditional Chinese medicine, and some swear it makes them smarter.

The ancient Druids are also known to have used club moss, as it grows widely throughout Europe and Asia.

Chinese club moss has many benefits in maintaining key brain chemicals that decline in an aging brain.

So you can be sure I put a healthy dose of Chinese club moss extract in Urgent Brain Assist.

Then there's Lion's Mane extract, which comes from a type of mushroom that's long been used in traditional Chinese medicine too.

Lion's mane in done studies is shown to have neuroregenerative properties, which means it may help repair and regrow brain cells.

In a study done on mice, lion's mane extract helped the mice perform better on a memory test.

And it's also been shown to help destroy amyloid plaques that form in the brain and cause memory issues.

So that's another key ingredient in Urgent Brain Assist.

Then there's also Vinca Minor extract which is derived from the seeds of the periwinkle plant.

Components in vinca minor extract have been shown to increase brain blood flow in studies.

And when brain blood flow increases, inflammation in the brain goes down and brain metabolism gets a boost.

And when the brain metabolism gets a boost, more key brain chemicals are produced.

There have been many studies conducted on Vinca Minor's active ingredient that have shown very promising results for the brain.

It's now being used in Japan, Russia, and numerous other European countries to naturally support an improved memory and help keep the brain younger.

And one of the most important ingredients in Urgent Brain Assist is Uridine Monophosphate.

Uridine is found naturally in our cells. It also occurs in high amounts in some foods such as sugarcane, tomatoes and broccoli.

But we can't get high enough amounts of uridine from our diet to get the full benefit of this amazing supplement.

Uridine Monophosphate activates the dopamine receptors in the brain and increases the amount of key brain chemicals produced.

In a study done on rats, scientists found that Uridine Monophosphate increased striatal dopamine release and improved cognitive function.

Isn't it wonderful to have all these advanced herbs and natural support for your healthy brain and mind and memory?

And to have even more impact, I put a generous helping of certain special forms of B vitamins in this brain supplement.

B vitamins are essential for the brain.

Not only do they affect mood, they are essential in creating key brain chemicals.

It can be difficult for us to get the right amount of B vitamins from diet alone...

...and to use the right form of certain B vitamins...

I've put a mixture of the right type and form of B1, B5, B6, B9, and B12 in Urgent Brain Assist, and they're all the purest forms you can find.

For instance, I chose pyridoxal phosphate instead of normal B6 because it's an active form of the vitamin.

And the active form has a stronger effect in the body and the effects last longer.

I also chose methylfolate -- the purest form of vitamin B9 you can find.

I don't believe that the common folic acid is healthy for people. But methylfolate is the natural form found in vegetables.

This type of B9 plays a large role in preserving memory throughout the aging process.

It's a powerhouse.

And of course, we can't forget an all important B vitamin -- riboflavin.

Riboflavin boosts the brain energy metabolism big-time, and it's even been shown to help with traumatic brain injuries.

So it can actually undo brain damage and potentially make you smarter.

So all of those important B vitamins are in every dose of Urgent Brain Assist.

And I also put some very special amino acids in there -- like ʟ‑Serine, ʟ‑Pyroglutamate, and an extract of the mucuna pruriens plant, ʟ‑DOPA.

They're found in plants and it's amazing how somehow God has provided key brain, mind, and memory supports in common plants and herbs.

When I was working on the formula, one thing I was concerned about is something you may not have heard of...

It's called Molybdenum -- and most of us are short of this key molecule in our brains.

In one study, scientists bought food at the grocery store and found it had a much lower molybdenum content than anyone thought.

This is alarming because molybdenum helps us deal with sulfites in foods, and process caffeine.

Young people deficient in molybdenum don't get the nutrients they need for the brain to develop properly, and this can hurt mind and memory.

Speaking of nutrients, Acetylcarnitine is another ingredient in Urgent Brain Assist.

It's also produced naturally by the body, and when you take just a little dose, you boost the brain's mitochondrial function and improve overall brain function.

And last but not least, there's a little bit of Citicoline in Urgent Brain Assist as well.

Citicoline is a brain chemical that naturally occurs in our cells and organs.

It's needed to release dopamine in the brain, and it also helps destroy harmful free radicals.

So all together, these ingredients combine to make one powerful brain pill called Urgent Brain Assist.

And I promise that you will not find another brain pill like this anywhere else in the world.

You can use it to become a true YoungBrain and enjoy all of the benefits for decades to come.

And with Urgent Brain Assist, why not plan on staying young and sexy forever...

You'll be having a conversation with a beautiful young woman and you'll recall a movie that directly pertains to your conversation...

And she's laughing because you've quoted it exactly right and she thinks you're a hoot now.

She says, "Wow, I can't believe you remember that."

And her whole perception of you changes. In a fantastic way.

She is looking at you speculatively, licking her lips...wow, just wow...it is going to be quite the night...

You can hear someone rattle off a phone number and not even really be paying attention...

..and STILL repeat it back without missing a beat...

Now when someone needs to remember something they say: "Just ask John -- he's got it down."

Or maybe you're talking to a client and you easily without effort discuss very small details of prior conversations...

"Wow, you're on top of it," the client says to you. "I can't believe you remember that!"

And as you remember everything so much better now, people remark, "Wow, you look years younger... what did you do?"

And you secretly smile to yourself. Yes, this works. It works so very well.

You remember your anniversary without being reminded...

You order the card, flowers, and chocolate days in advance now.

And you can even remember exactly how she looked when you first met. You could draw her picture if you were an artist.

And she's feeling so special, so loved, that she wants to do ALL kinds of things to you...

Because you have gotten this far,

I know you are very serious about supporting key brain chemicals and protecting your mind and memory.

I'm serious about it too.

This is why I want to make you an extraordinary proposition...

Imagine a few months from now, walking into a room and having every woman stare at you.

They will be so attracted to you that they will make the first move, and you will amaze them with your wit and charm.

And, when you enter a room full of young people...

...you will feel in your heart a total and complete confidence that you have the sexy sort of mentalism that other men lack.

If you're married, you will look your wife in the eye, and know she is dying to be with you, even if it's been years since you've been intimate.

And this will happen night after night, month after month, year after year for the rest of your life.

So click the button below to order your first bottle of Urgent Brain Assist at the low, low price you see below...

...and get ready to experience the amazing mentalism that women can't get enough of.

However, I understand that after a few embarrassing fails, a man may not feel too confident...

But with Urgent Brain Assist, you are now experiencing confidence and a sense of awesome mental powers with women...you are fast becoming the most confident man you can be...

...and you are having the experience of women being pulled to you from across the room, just like your personal tractor beam like in Star Trek.

So whenever you have a question or concern, you call our 24/7 support center at any time.

And we will help you be successful with Urgent Brain Assist.

And if you get something you don't want, simply call us and we will let you return it, no questions asked and give you a complete, courteous refund.

And I'm also including something that I've never done before...

You're going to get phone and email support, so you can't go wrong...

...and you're also getting FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.

So even if you do decide Urgent Brain Assist is not for you (though I don't think you will), you pay for nothing.

You can get your full-money back on the bottles you bought and never pay a dime in shipping.

But I feel very strongly about Urgent Brain Assist and its benefits for men who want to keep a young mind and memory, and attract women with enhanced mental energy.

I think if you try this out, you will be very happy and thrilled that you did.

So click the button below to try Urgent Brain Assist risk-free.

Remember that in this day and age, it's important that this transaction between you and me is confidential.

So everything that we do is confidential.

And your financial information is fully encrypted with the same military grade encryption used by Amazon.com.

It's what I would use if you were my father. It's that important to me.

And when your Urgent Brain Assist arrives, what a great day!

It will be in a plain small box that is very discreet.

The credit card statement will have our toll free number on it in case you want to call us or reorder.

And if you're still here, let me answer some questions I often get about being successful with Urgent Brain Assist...

How much does it cost?

Urgent Brain Assist is made from precious ingredients that are hard to get ahold of.

I set a really high bar for quality and I do all kinds of testing to make sure you're only getting the best of the best in every bottle of Urgent Brain Assist.

And even though the ingredients are very expensive, I'm not here to charge a fortune and get rich.

So you can get Urgent Brain Assist for less than a cup of good coffee every day.

How often do I take it?

Most people take 1 capsule twice a day.

How long will one bottle last me?

One bottle will last you for an entire month.

How much will this improve my life?

You can't even begin to imagine how drastically your life with change with Urgent Brain Assist, especially your sex life.

The best part is it starts working right away. And it will make you feel young like a 20 year old again.

It gives you this mental energy that women find irresistible, which makes you the most wanted (and most confident) man in the room.

You will have so much confidence in everything you do because you will feel smarter and more on your game than ever before.

Should I keep taking it even after I'm thrilled with my younger, smarter brain?

In order to keep enjoying the benefits, you have to keep taking Urgent Brain Assist.

It's all-natural and nothing is in it that's not good for you, so it's really a no-brainer.

Ha, see what I did there?

But you don't have to decide now -- first try Urgent Brain Assist completely risk-free.

You can get this powerful formula, backed by more than 11 guarantees, and see how well it works for you before deciding.


Ways We Guarantee the High Quality of

Urgent Brain Assist

I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Ideal Male Labs, we guarantee that NEVER happens.

In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees purity, potency, and quality in 11 different ways:

We use suppliers that test each lot they give us for purity and safety -- with a Certificate of Analysis by a prominent well-know lab.

We manufacture in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility that gets regular inspections.

We test every ingredient before we use it.

Batches of our products have multiple quality checking processes in place and are shipped and stored in qualified facilities.

Every batch is tested for microbes including mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella -- along with heavy metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic.

Whenever possible, we source materials from U.S., UK, or European suppliers.

We test for the presence of key ingredients in the correct quantities on every batch we make.

We pay special attention to details such as capsule types and bottle materials and packaging -- for maximum safety and shelf life.

We avoid harmful excipients that our competitors have in their supplements, and we use non-GMO whenever possible.

We never conduct animal testing of any kind.

We use ingredients that we’ve determined are effective by scientific studies.

I think you'll be delighted personally, but it's up to you if you want to try it.

Just give it a go and see how well it works for you. If there's no risk, there's nothing to lose.

And if you aren't pleased as punch, just let me know and return whatever you haven't used... and you'll get every dime of your money back, for any reason or no reason.

You have a full 60 days to try out my Urgent Brain Assist with my full money-back guarantee.

I really think you're going to love this and love the man you become.

I want you to try out my Urgent Brain Assist because I'm so sure it's good for you, that I want you to just try it.

Try it, that's all I'm asking.

Just click the button below to get any size order of Urgent Brain Assist right now.

Now there is one thing I do have to warn you about... we only have 3,000 bottles and we don't know when we'll get more...

We're technically still in the first "test launch" of the most revolutionary smart pill ever created.

So that means we only have 3,000 bottles and when they're gone, they're gone.

We can't be certain when we'll get more and how many more we'll get.

So this is your chance to get as many bottles of Urgent Brain Assist as you can before it's too late.

Oh, and in case you're curious, here's what men are saying about all of my Ideal Male Labs products...

I've actually developed two other supplements for men -- Urgent Prostate Assist and Urgent Male Assist.

And all of my Ideal Male Labs products do wonders for men.

Married men, single men. Men in their 40's and men in their 80's.

Here's what men have to say about my supplements:

Hi Matt,

I started taking this supplement and did not experience anything from it until week 4.

Week 4 i got 2 solid nights of sleep plus my wife and i had sex two times in one day.

That has not happened in years.


Indeed I am trying to keep my testosterone up and will say that the Urgent male assist does appear to be potent also for whatever reason. I have only been taking it 3 days but it appears to be strong. Hopefully I can maintain the course in regard to having a better sex life, avoiding a liver transplant, and trying to get rid of or at least reduce this Harvoni stomach I have.

Grateful for your help, Mike

Dear Matt,

Thanks heaps for all of the gold you share with us folks.

First i was gonna update you on teh wellbeing of my uncle who used to suffer from barrett's esophagus and prostatitis + BHP.

All the measurements implemented that you selflessly shared with me have yielded an undetectable BHP and prostatitis as well as a Barrett's remission upon routine gastroscopy.

Thanks heaps would be an understatement!!

--"Saint Germain"

So are you ready to enjoy the sexy mentalism that makes women CRAZY for you?

Are you ready to leave those embarrassing, mortifying moments of when you can't remember far, far behind you?

Are you ready to start feeling like the smartest man in the room?

Are you ready for the attention you're going to get, when girls can't get over how quick-witted and on-your-game you are?

Are you?

This is your chance to be the man you've always wanted to be...

Your chance to feel like you have the best memory and the youngest mind out of everyone you know.

So are you going to let it slip by you?

Get Urgent Brain Assist before it's gone.

You'll never forgive yourself if you miss out!

I promise you that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying out Urgent Brain Assist for yourself.

You are keeping your key brain chemicals high, so your mind and memory are in the best shape possible.

You are impressing any woman you meet with your increased mentalism.

You are impressing guys at work, even guys who are 30 years younger than you are jealous of you now and worried about what you are coming up with -- they simply can't keep up with you.

Your kids can't believe how much you remember, and how funny Dad is now.

And single guys are having wild times with women, while married guys are making love to their wives the way they used to when they were young.

She has lust in her eyes looking at you.

Things are now 100 times better than they have ever been...

And when you look back at this decision to try Urgent Brain Assist, you realize it was the easiest decision you ever made.

It was just trying it out, and you were skeptical, but you decided there was zero risk and everything to gain...

So you gave it a try, and you realize that was the best decision you ever made in your life.

Because it's turned out better than you ever thought possible.

Click Below to claim one of the last remaining bottles of Urgent Brain Assist.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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