Hi, I'm Alicia, and I'm scared out of my mind at what I'm about to do...
I know there's a man inside waiting for me, just a few feet away...
...and thinking about his hands on my body...his lips on my body...
...just imagining all the things he will do to me...
...and how badly I want someone to pound me, hard and fast, to satisfy the ache I've had for months...
Am I really going to do this?
The problem is, the man inside waiting for me is not my husband...
My husband is at home sleeping.
The man waiting for me, who wants to pleasure me the way I've been needing to be pleasured...
I definitely don't love him...and truthfully, I don't really want to be with him...
In fact, if I could just be with my husband -- if he could take me upstairs and make love to me like he used to...
...I'd be the happiest, most satisfied woman in the world, I really would!
He's been having problems down there...and I think he's given up on even trying any more...
Now he has no drive, no interest in having sex with me...
...and it's killing me inside...
I don't want to hurt my husband, but I have needs too...
But this is not what I want to do...
So I turn around and drive home.
I'm not ready to give up yet. I can't give up on my husband!
So please help me, doctor. Help me save our marriage.
Women like Alicia come to me for help because they love their husbands or boyfriends, and are willing to do anything to save their relationship.
And I do my best to help all of these women -- by helping the men they love...
Men who may have suddenly lost all interest in sex...
Men who want to have sex but can't get an erection...
Men who struggle to orgasm and feel less and less pleasure...
And these men usually have one other big thing in common...
Blood sugar problems are increasingly more common, especially in men.
Right now, more than 30 million adults have blood sugar problems in America...
...and another 84 million are about to experience blood sugar problems for the first time and probably don't even know it yet.
Millions will be men who begin experiencing ED and performance issues and not know why.
Because believe it or not, erectile dysfunction is one of the most common symptoms of blood sugar problems.
In fact...
And a lot of men feel embarrassed about it, so they don't go to the doctor.
That leaves a lot of men who are silently suffering, and their wives and girlfriends are suffering too.
And this isn't just happening to men in their 50s and older...
Men with blood sugar problems experience erectile dysfunction 10 to 15 years sooner than other men.
So even guys in their 30s and 40s are struggling, and almost nobody is talking about it.
Studies show that men who have ED and blood sugar problems experience more severe ED symptoms than other men with a poorer quality of life.
And according to the data, a whopping 50% of all men with blood sugar problems become impotent after age 50.
That means no more sex ever -- decades and decades without sex.
And that's an awful life for any man to live. I know because I witnessed it firsthand...
I can remember asking my dad as a kid, "Dad, why do Grandma and Grandpa sleep in different bedrooms?"
Well, now I understand why they slept in different rooms.
In fact, I've dedicated my life to helping men with blood sugar problems who suffer from poor or no erections, and low drive...
Not only to help men, but to help their wives and girlfriends too...
...women like Alicia who would do anything to save their marriage...
Because I'm different as far as doctors go.
Unlike most doctors, I see patients in a clinical setting AND I do hands-on research in the lab.
And this has allowed me to read hundreds of medical studies and stay up-to-date on the newest breakthroughs.
See, the researchers in this study made a major breakthrough...
They found that the main difference between men with blood sugar problems and ED...
...and men with normal sugars and great erections...
...is metabolism...
Remember this: there are two ways for your body to get energy.
You can get energy by burning sugar. That's what we do when we're young, so I call it having a young-man metabolism.
Or you can get energy by burning fat. That's what we do when we're very old. So I call it having an old-man metabolism.
It's supposed to be good to "burn fat" in order to lose weight, but in reality, when we are young and rail-thin, we mostly burn sugar, not fat.
And when we have an old-man metabolism, we mostly burn FAT and not sugar -- so the sugar we consume piles up in our bloodstream and we get blood sugar problems.
It's really that simple.
But, you can have an old-man metabolism at the age of 20.
And you can have a young-man metabolism at the age of 90 or 100.
It's all a matter of what your metabolism is doing...is it mostly burning sugar, or is it mostly burning fat?
Sugar burning = young-man metabolism, no blood sugar problems.
Fat burning = old-man metabolism, with blood sugar problems.
So it's not necessarily blood sugar causing ED in men -- rather, it's the old-man metabolism.
And to make matters worse, when you have an old-man metabolism, everything in your body is less efficient, slower, more problematic...
The body goes into survival mode, and it starts producing a cocktail of stress hormones...
...stress hormones like estrogen and cortisol that are terrible for men's sexual health and performance.
And this is what almost always leads to ED and performance problems for men with blood sugar problems...
...because good, high levels of testosterone are necessary for good erections and bedroom performance.
Now you are understanding why men with blood sugar problems have poor or no erections...poor or no libido...poor or no sexual performance at all...
It all has to do with the type of metabolism you have -- old-man or young-man.
The body focuses on more important functions and stops creating testosterone and other hormones needed for sex.
Because what good is "reproduction" to an old man, anyway?
So sex goes to the wayside and a man's symptoms in the bedroom begin.
And until a man restores a young-man metabolism, sex will remain off the table.
That's how the body sees it, and how I see it -- but unfortunately, other doctors don't see it this way.
...but studies show that men with blood sugar problems are even less responsive to ED drugs than men with normal blood sugar...
And this is because ED drugs don't do anything about the bad stress hormones caused by an old-man metabolism.
And by the way -- I've talked to hundreds of guys with normal blood sugar who have tried Viagra or Cialis...
...and these ED drugs didn't work for them either, or stopped working after a while:
"I'm 66 and I've been using Viagra. However, it has almost completely lost its effectiveness now. I can't seem to find any recent studies on whether or not this is normal. Tried Levitra and Cialis no better."
Men have to stick a needle into the side of their penis and inject a drug to get an erection.
These injections do work, for a time -- they usually cause an erection within 10-20 minutes and it lasts for an hour tops.
Some men are so desperate to be able to perform sexually again that they try it...but the most common side effect is pain.
And who wants to stick a needle into their penis every time they want to have sex?
Here's what one man says about this ED treatment:
"Biggest complaint is that after injecting this medication, it literally feels like there is a burning feeling, it is very uncomfortable, and significantly reduces any chance of pleasure during sexual intimacy. As the drug wears off, it feels like someone elbowed you in the groin."
This requires surgery where a device is placed inside the penis to force an erection mechanically.
There are a lot of risks involved, including infection and internal erosion.
And some men have trouble orgasming or feeling pleasure with an implant.
If you ask me, these are all extreme measures that should only be taken when all other options have been tried.
Most doctors never speak out against prescription drugs or surgeries.
Most doctors are eager to whip out the prescription pad and give you another pill or recommend another procedure.
But like I said before, I'm not like most doctors...
I know some drugs and procedures are necessary and save lives...
...but I also believe in using natural treatments whenever possible, especially for blood sugar...
...and yet they are STILL struggling to get an erection and have zero sex drive...
And this is because blood sugar medications don't address the root cause of the problem -- an old-man metabolism.
And these blood sugar drugs can also cause side effects that make ED worse...
For instance, one of the most popular drugs for blood sugar is Metformin.
And studies show that Metformin leads to "significant reduction in testosterone levels" which makes sex drive lower and ED more common:
Another man who takes the popular blood sugar drug, Januvia, says:
"I have been on it for almost a year and it hasn't improved my sugars or A1C very much...
...but it HAS been effective at causing weight gain and erectile dysfunction, which I never had before!"
Yet Januvia is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for blood sugar problems...
...and it makes Big Pharma about $4 billion every year...
...but also ineffective at restoring a young-man metabolism and fixing blood sugar problems for good.
See, a young-man metabolism makes the perfect amount of insulin on its own.
An old-man metabolism doesn't make enough insulin.
But taking more insulin just doesn't magically fix the problem...
Because men with blood sugar problems have cells that don't use sugar properly, remember?
So the cells become resistant to insulin and no amount of extra insulin will fix this problem.
Drugs for blood sugar don't address the root cause of blood sugar problems -- an old-man metabolism.
And oftentimes, these drugs just make ED worse, along with giving men other unwanted symptoms.
That's why I've been looking for another way...
I've been asking myself for years now:
Quite honestly, I've been obsessed with finding the answer for some time now.
I desperately want to prove that yes, it's entirely possible.
That you CAN restore a young-man metabolism, reverse blood sugar problems, and restore great erections...
...using only natural ingredients that are safe for men to take...
And it arrives in the form of one of my patients...
This patient has had blood sugar problems and ED his whole adult life, even before I became his doctor.
In the past, he's tried drugs, he's tried minor procedures, and I'm afraid now it's only made his problems worse.
He's overweight, his blood sugar is always 130 or higher, and he can't get an erection at all anymore.
And I hate that he's going through this...
Sex is healthy and can actually add decades to your life.
And men are hard-wired to love sex, to crave it and want it, and be able to show a woman how much he desires her...
Yet up until this moment, I've been hitting brick walls in the lab...
He says: "Doc, if only there was some flower out there that I could pick from the ground and eat to rid me of these problems. Wouldn't that be amazing?"
And I know he's joking, but it triggers a memory... something I read recently...
As soon as I finish with this patient, I tell my secretary to clear my schedule.
And I head to the lab...
Berberis is a type of shrub found in many places all over the world, very common as far as plants go.
But what's not common about berberis is its natural potency...
If you extract berberine from the roots, stem, and bark -- you are left with a powerful natural compound that the Chinese have been using for hundreds of years.
And this new study confirms it -- berberine can help with blood sugar problems.
This naturally lowers insulin resistance, and helps the cells use sugar for energy again.
In one study of 116 patients with blood sugar problems, just 1 single gram of berberine a day lowered fasting blood sugar by 20%!
And now scientists all over the world are starting to confirm how effective berberine is in lowering blood sugar with their own studies.
And that's not all berberine can do...
Scientists have also found that berberine may improve erectile function through its antioxidant effect!
So it's clear to me that berberine is super powerful stuff, right from nature.
So then I start wondering...
And it turns out, yes -- there are!
The next few weeks of my life go by in a blur as I do nothing but research plants and herbs that may help with blood sugar problems.
And to my delight, I find several ingredients with blood sugar benefits.
One of them is the banabá plant found in southeast Asia and the Philippines.
When you use the leaf extract, it has a hypoglycemic effect on men, similar to insulin.
But it's 100% natural and incredibly cheap.
It helps decrease glucose production by 30% while stopping starches from breaking down into glucose.
And this is a good thing because it stops sugar from piling up and overloading the body with too much sugar all at once.
In a year-long study, 15 patients with blood sugar problems supplemented with banabá leaf extract every day...
...and by just 6 months, their glucose tolerance had significantly improved.
By the end of the year, they experienced a 16% decrease in blood sugar levels just from this one plant!
Banabá leaf can also help prevent blood sugar problems from worsening...
One clinical trial with 80 prediabetic adults showed improved insulin sensitivity and pancreas beta cells function in just 12 weeks.
And in a rat study, the active ingredient corosolic acid was found to be profoundly beneficial for obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and inflammation.
Pretty impressive, huh?
There have been many promising studies done on ginseng for a variety of health benefits...
...but I'm most excited by what it does for men with blood sugar problems.
Ginseng has been found to naturally improve fasting blood glucose in both men with blood sugar problems and men on the edge.
And in one study, people with type 2 diabetes who consumed ginseng had a notable reduction in blood sugar levels.
Their A1C dropped into the normal range, and there were zero reported side effects.
Better yet, ginseng has been shown in multiple studies across the world to promote testosterone production and improve libido in men.
And it can even improve erectile function -- in one study, 45 men who took ginseng daily all reported better performance and increased penile sensitivity.
All from a plant as common as ginseng! Incredible.
But then I think -- what if I also combine these plants with something else...
...perhaps some other natural minerals and supplements I've seen potential in...
See, before my patient inspired me to look at plants, I had already marked 6 other ingredients that showed promise for men with blood sugar problems...
So now I go back to them one by one, doing even more research, gathering as much information as I can possibly find...
D-Chiro-Inositol is a specific type of inositol...
...and an inositol is a carbocyclic sugar that you can find in foods like fruits, beans, grains, and nuts.
D-Chiro-Inositol is actually made by the body too.
In fact, it is a critical part of creating energy from sugar in the mitochondria.
But with an old-man metabolism, the body doesn't have enough D-Chiro-Inositol to help the cells use sugar for energy.
However, studies show supplementing D-Chiro-Inositol can give the body a major boost when it comes to normalizing blood sugar...
In one study, researchers saw a significant drop in fasting blood glucose and HbA1C levels in just 3 months.
Better yet, this ingredient has been shown to help prevent and treat erectile dysfunction caused by blood sugar problems.
And not one single person reported any side effects either. None!
Naringenin is a flavorless, colorless type of flavonoid that's predominant in grapefruit and orange juice.
It caught my attention because of its ability to activate the nuclear receptors in the liver that break down fatty acids.
This is important because it increases insulin sensitivity which usually only occurs after long periods of fasting.
In one study done on mice with blood sugar problems, naringenin stopped runaway sugar production in their bodies.
It also helped restore the beta cells in the pancreas which secrete insulin.
And in another study done on rats with blood sugar problems, naringenin improved testosterone levels and helped reverse ED caused by blood sugar problems.
Huge, huge results from a simple ingredient like naringenin. Just imagine what it could do for people!
Magnesium can be very helpful in normalizing blood sugar.
You can get magnesium through foods, but it's usually not quite enough.
And men with blood sugar problems lose large amounts of magnesium through their urine because of uncontrolled blood sugar.
And many men with insulin resistance are also deficient in magnesium.
Researchers have found that consuming more magnesium actually lowers your risk of diabetes by 15%.
So supplementing with magnesium is a good idea for men with blood sugar problems...
...especially if the man is also suffering from ED...
Because one study found that men with low magnesium levels were more likely to suffer from ED than men with normal magnesium levels.
And magnesium is also good for the heart!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report men with blood sugar problems being twice as likely to get heart disease.
So there are many good reasons to get more magnesium.
Manganese is a trace mineral that the body needs for normal function of the brain and all the major organs.
And it is involved in the production of insulin, which is how it helps stabilize blood sugar.
But studies have found that men with low manganese levels often have blood sugar problems.
And we know that men with blood sugar problems almost always suffer from ED.
And the truth is that a LOT of men are not getting enough manganese through diet alone.
Men need at least 2.3 mg of manganese a day, and it's only found in very small amounts in most foods.
So most if not all of us are deficient.
However, by supplementing manganese, you easily get your daily recommended intake and more.
And this helps the body prevent blood sugar problems and treat existing blood sugar symptoms naturally....
...and it may help promote better performance in men with blood sugar problems...
Vanadyl is a form of vanadium, a super important micronutrient that most people are very deficient in.
And it's quickly becoming one of the most exciting new ingredients for fighting blood sugar problems.
In studies where people with type 2 diabetes take vanadyl sulfate, it improves the way their bodies use insulin and lowers blood sugar.
And in one study done on diabetic rats, vanadyl normalized glucose levels while naturally correcting any heart abnormalities.
So the researchers concluded that vanadyl sulfate can naturally help reverse the symptoms of blood sugar problems, possibly leading to better sexual function in men...
...by enhancing the natural effects of insulin.
Vanadyl can also help prevent cancer.
Scientists have found that it provides natural protection against all stages of carcinogenesis.
And that's a great thing for men with blood sugar problems since the risk of cancer goes up.
So not only can you supplement vanadyl sulfate to fight blood sugar problems, it can also help you live a long, cancer-free life...
The human body needs good levels of thiamine to convert carbohydrates into glucose and power the body...
...and also to promote a healthy male libido, believe it or not...
The problem is that men with blood sugar problems are always low in thiamine...
Because elevated blood sugar makes the kidneys excrete 25x more thiamine than normal, making the body deficient.
And of course, this just makes blood sugar symptoms worse.
So then men with blood sugar problems need MORE thiamine to reverse their symptoms.
And it not only helps with blood sugar problems, it also reduces the cardiovascular risks that come with it.
So thiamine helps keep your heart healthy while helping to naturally reverse blood sugar problems.
And when combined, they join together to create a powerful natural supplement for men with blood sugar problems or men on the edge...
...men who may be dealing with terrible ED and performance problems...
So it has the potential to naturally promote a young-man metabolism and boost bedroom performance.
And the best part is that it's 100% natural.
Urgent Blood Sugar Assist is a unique combination of natural ingredients that work together to normalize blood sugar and promote a young-man metabolism.
I hand-picked all 9 of these ingredients from all over the world after years of research...
...determined to only use the very best, most potent, safe ingredients nature has to offer...
Most of these ingredients are extremely rare and difficult to procure...
And when all 9 of these specially-chosen ingredients are combined, they deliver powerful, priceless health benefits...
Almost all the other supplements on the market contain harmful ingredients that I call excipients.
Excipients are extra powders and chemicals that the manufacturer puts in...
To make the supplement powder look whiter, cleaner, and make it flow freely on the machinery at the factory.
But more and more studies are showing that these excipients -- that are in virtually ALL other supplements -- are super dangerous.
Do you see titanium dioxide? Do you see silicon dioxide?
Microcrystalline cellulose?
The trouble with ALL these powders is that the particles are so small.
Small particles go right through the gut wall and enter the rest of your body. This is called persorption.
The powders were later found in the rats bloodstream, in the nerve and brain tissue, basically everywhere in the rat's body.
So whatever fine powders are given to a person, they find their way into every nook and cranny of the human body.
These bad powders, these excipients, have no trouble entering our body through the gut wall.
They even enter the lymph nodes, and from there, are found everywhere in our bodies.
They are very bad for us, especially titanium dioxide powder and silicon dioxide powder.
Exactly the powders used (among others) in most other supplements (but not mine).
These powders enter the skin, enter the body, and can increase chances of cancer.
But people have been using these bad sunscreens for many years.
The FDA is very slow to act on the dangers of these powders that are routinely put into most supplements (but not mine).
Unlike other products, mine has no titanium dioxide, no silicon dioxide, no bad excipients period.
I only use ingredients that I myself am comfortable using, and I'd never hide any harmful powders in there.
My competitors should be ashamed of themselves.
And you should make sure you strongly consider my supplement because I am taking every precaution on your behalf -- and I use this myself!
It's my life's work and I'm so proud of it.
And I know that it can help a man with blood sugar issues possibly reclaim his virility and performance...
...by helping promote a young-man metabolism that processes sugar properly.
And in that way, it can also help women like Alicia.
Finally, women can be intimate with their husbands or boyfriends again, and strengthen their relationship in the bedroom.
You can get this powerful formula, backed by more than 11 guarantees, and see how well it works for you before deciding.
I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Ideal Male Labs, we guarantee that NEVER happens.
In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees purity, potency, and quality in 11 different ways:
We use suppliers that test each lot they give us for purity and safety -- with a Certificate of Analysis by a prominent well-know lab.
We manufacture in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility that gets regular inspections.
We test every ingredient before we use it.
Batches of our products have multiple quality checking processes in place and are shipped and stored in qualified facilities.
Every batch is tested for microbes including mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella -- along with heavy metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic.
Whenever possible, we source materials from U.S., UK, or European suppliers.
We test for the presence of key ingredients in the correct quantities on every batch we make.
We pay special attention to details such as capsule types and bottle materials and packaging -- for maximum safety and shelf life.
We avoid harmful excipients that our competitors have in their supplements, and we use non-GMO whenever possible.
We never conduct animal testing of any kind.
We use ingredients that we’ve determined are effective by scientific studies.
I think you'll be delighted personally, but it's up to you if you want to try it.
Just give it a go and see how well it works for you. If there's no risk, there's nothing to lose.
You have a full 60 days to try out my Urgent Blood Sugar Assist with my full money-back guarantee.
I really think you're going to love this though and how amazing it makes you feel.
I want you to try out my Urgent Blood Sugar Assist because I'm so sure it's good for you.
Try it, that's all I'm asking.
Click below for any size order of Urgent Blood Sugar Assist.
We're technically still in the first "test launch" of the most revolutionary blood sugar remedy ever created.
So that means we only have 3,000 bottles and when they're gone, they're gone.
We can't be certain when we'll get more and how many more we'll get.
So this is your chance to get as many bottles of Urgent Blood Sugar Assist as you can before it's too late.
I've actually developed three other supplements for men -- Urgent Prostate Assist, Urgent Male Assist, and Urgent Brain Assist.
And all of my Urgent Male Labs products do wonders for men.
Married men, single men. Men in their 40's and men in their 80's.
Here's what men have to say about my other supplements:
Hi Matt,
I started taking this supplement and did not experience anything from it until week 4.
Week 4 i got 2 solid nights of sleep plus my wife and i had sex two times in one day.
That has not happened in years.
Indeed I am trying to keep my testosterone up and will say that the Urgent male assist does appear to be potent also for whatever reason. I have only been taking it 3 days but it appears to be strong. Hopefully I can maintain the course in regard to having a better sex life, avoiding a liver transplant, and trying to get rid of or at least reduce this Harvoni stomach I have.
Grateful for your help, Mike
Dear Matt,
Thanks heaps for all of the gold you share with us folks.
First I was gonna update you on the wellbeing of my uncle who used to suffer from Barrefls esophagus and prostatitis + BHP
All the measurements implemented that you selflessly shared with me have yielded an undetectable BHP and prostatitis as well as a Barrens remission upon routine gastroscopy.
Thanks heaps would be an understatement”
— Saint Germain
And you can easily be the next success story!
Click below to try Urgent Blood Sugar Assist risk-free.
1. How much does it cost?
The majority of the ingredients I use are hard to get a hold of.
I set a really high bar for quality and I do all kinds of testing to make sure you're only getting the best of the best in every bottle of Urgent Blood Sugar Assist.
And even though the ingredients are very expensive, I'm not here to charge a fortune and get rich.
So you can get Urgent Blood Sugar Assist for less than a cup of good coffee every day.
2. How often do I take it?
You only need one capsule twice a day.
3. How long will one bottle last me?
One bottle will last an entire month.
4. How much will this improve my life?
Listen, Urgent Blood Sugar Assist starts working right away to help promote a young-man metabolism.
By the first week, you may already be feeling the difference...
You may feel a boost in the bedroom that you haven't felt in a long, long time...
And for many men, it will get better and better over the weeks and months.
It's an amazing feeling and I think you're really going to love it.
Every man is different!
For some men, once they have normal blood sugar and are happy with their performance, they do not feel the need to take another tablet of Urgent Blood Sugar Assist ever again.
You should feel comfortable enough to play around with the amount you're taking once you're thrilled with your results.
Then go from there and see how it affects you.
Some men end up on a low maintenance amount, and some men may need to continue taking Urgent Blood Sugar Assist at the initial dose.
You'll have to see what works for you and do what's best for your own body.
But rest assured that there is no harm in taking Urgent Blood Sugar Assist long-term.
Now is your chance with Urgent Blood Sugar Assist!
Get ready for a long healthy, happy life.
With fewer doctor's visits, less blood draws...
...and more time to spend with your wife or girlfriend in the bedroom...
You want to feel young again, like you did decades ago...
You want to indulge in a soda or a candy bar here and there, without risking a trip in the ambulance.
Because your metabolism is humming along just fine...
And you want to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your blood sugar is normal.
This is who Urgent Blood Sugar Assist is for -- men who want to feel and perform like they did 20 or 30 years ago...
So what are you waiting for?
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